Please be mindful of physical distancing and if the entrance is busy please wait outside until there is space.
Hand sanitizer – will be located on the front door. We ask that all parents, children and visitors use hand sanitizer before entering our Preschool.
Please enter through the main entrance to sign your child in and enter your name and phone in our Contact Tracing form. Please exit through the side gate of the playground unless it is raining.
Please try to minimize who drops of and picks up your children. Only 1 person will be allowed in the centre when dropping off and picking up.
Every person who enters our building will need to fill out Contact tracing form daily.
We encourage you to pick up and drop off your child as quickly as possible. At this time PLEASE do stay around networking with other families.
Sharing News will be different over Level 2. We ask that NO toys be brought in from home, instead encourage your child to share something they have been a part of; for example an outing or moment they have enjoyed. Put it up on Storypark or bring in a printed photo or picture to share. Please make sure your child puts their name on, it they have Sharing News.
Birthday Celebration – Normally you child would celebrate their birthday by having their face painted. Due to health and safety at alert level 2 there will be NO face painting. Please talk to the teachers if you are wanting to bring in Birthday treats as these are limited due to health and safety regulations at this time.
This includes coughs, high temperatures, sore throats, sneezing and runny noses, etc
- if you arrive at the centre and we feel that your child is unwell we will check your child’s temperature and discuss our concerns with you.
- If we feel you child is unwell we may ask that your child returns home with you and you may need to see a doctor for clearance.
- We encourage a high standard of Health especially during this Covid-19 crisis. We wish all parents and caregivers to help us by following the Ministry of Health guidelines to each and everyone of us safe.
Teachers will be regularly cleaning and sanitizing surfaces, resources, furniture and toys during or at the end of day
Only easily cleanable resources will be used at this time. Resources will be cleaned or changed daily to meet the new Health and Safety regulations at this time.
Warmer classrooms – The Ministry of Education has raised the min temp of our classrooms to 18 deg C as part of their upgraded Covid-19 regulations.